Cipla Ltd.
Search Company
Registered Address
Registered Office : Cipla House, Peninsula Business Park, Ganpatrao Kadam Marg,Lower Parel,
Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400013
Tel: 022-41916000, 24826000
Fax: 022-41916120
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Key Officials
Name Designation
Mr. Rajendra Chopra Co. Secretary & Compl. Officer
Mr. Ashish Adukia Global Chief Financial Officer
Dr. Raju Mistry Global Chief People Officer
Standalone Consolidated
You are viewing standalone data.
Quarterly Results
Sep 24 Jun 24 Mar 24
Sales 4,775.03 4,501.05 4,036.66
Other Income 289.14 213.52 538.61
Total Expenses 2,792.72 2,569.11 2,741.34
Operating Profit 1,982.31 1,931.94 1,295.32
Interest 3.00 5.07 5.45
Gross Profit 1,724.18 1,568.31 1,361.05
Provisions Made 0.00 0.00 0.00
Depreciation 145.71 137.86 136.81
Taxation 400.31 374.51 242.21
Net Profit / Loss 1,178.16 1,055.94 1,038.40
Equity Capital 161.51 161.50 161.47
Balance Sheet
Mar 24 Mar 23 Mar 22
Share Capital 161.47 161.43 161.36
Reserve & Surplus 27,768.42 24,437.55 22,315.35
Revaluation Reserve 0.00 0.00 0.00
Networth 27,973.92 24,638.09 22,513.55
Total debt - - -
Total Liability 27,973.92 24,638.09 22,513.55
Net Block 3,718.63 3,809.00 3,391.04
Capital work in progress 670.27 504.25 213.84
Investment 13,793.76 11,909.35 10,973.68
Net current asset 9,791.26 8,415.49 7,934.99
Miscellaneous expenses 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total Assets 27,973.92 24,638.09 22,513.55
Income Statement
  Mar24 Mar23 Mar22
Sales 16,574.34 15,790.60 13,091.79
Other Income 1,070.66 456.79 666.70
Total Expenses 12,090.19 11,998.02 9,725.32
Operating Profit 4,484.15 3,792.58 3,366.47
Interest 20.25 27.02 26.93
Adjusted PBDIT 5,554.81 4,249.37 4,033.17
Depreciation 587.59 595.91 460.01
Adjusted PBT 4,946.97 3,626.44 3,546.23
Taxation 1,232.78 971.01 856.84
Net Profit / Loss 4,077.25 2,513.47 2,957.93
Key Ratios
  Mar24 Mar23 Mar22
OPM (%) 27.05 24.01 25.71
GPM (%) 23.50 20.24 22.20
NPM (%) 24.59 15.91 22.59
Earning Retention Ratio 81.53 84.81 85.01
Return on networth (%) 14.59 10.21 13.15
EPS (Rs.) 50.50 31.14 36.66
Dividend payout Ratio 16.82 16.05 13.63
Longterm Debt-Equity Ratio 0.00 0.00 0.00
Current Ratio 4.18 3.84 3.70
Fixed Asset Turnover Ratio 0.63 0.66 0.61
Inventory 0.59 0.64 0.58
Interest coverage Ratio 274.31 157.27 149.76
Registrar Details
KFIN Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Selenium Tower B, Plot No. 31-32,Gachibowli, Financial District, Nanakramguda,Serilingampally Man
Tel : 040-67161500
Fax : 23420814
Market Performance
Exchange BSE
Last Traded Price (Rs.) 1,534.40
Last Traded Date 29/11/2024
Last Traded Time -
Change (%) 2.78%
Day's Open (Rs.) 1,493.95
Previous Close (Rs.) 1,492.85
Day's High (Rs.) 1,547.80
Day's Low (Rs.) 1,492.70
Volume (Rs. In Lacs) 985.24
Bid Price (Rs.) 0.00
Bid Quantity
Offer Price (Rs.) 0.00
Offer Quantity
Exchange Code 500087
Exchange Group A
Board Meetings
Date Purpose
29/10/2024 Quarterly Results
26/07/2024 Quarterly Results
10/05/2024 Audited Results & Final Dividend
Corporate News
Cipla - Action(s) initiated or orders passed
Cipla - Intimation Under Regulation 30 Of SEBI (Listing Obligations And Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015
Cipla - Updates
Cipla - Disclosure Under Regulation 30(5) Of The SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015
Cipla - Alteration Of Capital and Fund Raising-XBRL
Share Holding Pattern as on 30/09/2024
Major Holder No. of Shares Percentage(%)
Promoters 249,185,003 30.86
Institutional Investors 426,812,981 52.85
Other Investors 17,484,410 2.17
General Public 114,084,585 14.13